Zebron™ ZB-SemiVolatiles, GC Cap. Column 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm

A New Generation of Performance for Semi-Volatiles Analysis
5 Reasons Chromatographers Love It

1.Delivers supreme inertness for acids, amines, and other notoriously active compounds.
2.Hold calibrations and increase productivity up to 58%
3.Detect down to ultra low levels (0.2 ng on column)
4.Improve critical pair resolution (valley height 9.9% for benzo[b] and benzo[k])
5.The most popular choice for testing of semivolatiles, PAHs, and PBDEs

SKU: 7HG-G027-11 Category: Tag:


A New Generation of Performance for Semi-Volatiles Analysis
5 Reasons Chromatographers Love It

1.Delivers supreme inertness for acids, amines, and other notoriously active compounds.
2.Hold calibrations and increase productivity up to 58%
3.Detect down to ultra low levels (0.2 ng on column)
4.Improve critical pair resolution (valley height 9.9% for benzo[b] and benzo[k])
5.The most popular choice for testing of semivolatiles, PAHs, and PBDEs


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